Saturday, May 12, 2012

Time and Alone

We all have had a time when we are alone , time when there is no one with you physically. It could be for few hours , a day or an alone weekend at home. Some of us may enjoy this "just me" time, probably due to the hectic life and work, some may still hate it besides the hectic life and work.

All of us have different take and plans on how to deal or what to do when alone. So do I. There are hundreds of things people do and many that I do when I am alone irrespective of whether I like being alone or not. My instinct like of many others is to occupy myself with some activity when I am alone... of-course one cannot stare at walls for hours when sitting alone at home ( you all know why that's not a good sign).
So a good and healthy thing would be to occupy yourself with an activity when alone.And then I thought of all those times when I was alone and what I did, ( I know I have so much time that I think about what I do when I am alone, get over it ) what I realized is that I may call it occupying myself but I am actually distracting myself...from what ? my own thoughts !
All of us have so many things going on in our heads... whether you are a big shot - very busy guy or unemployed - not much to do guy ... your head not unlike mine would be constantly filled with so many different shades of thoughts- beautiful , not so nice, confusing, positive, fearful ,embarrassing , cheerful, troubling and sometimes few of those together.

So when alone with just your own thoughts - what do you do ?
I hope to not sound preachy, merely reflecting on this realization which some others may have thought about or some probably may think it isn't necessary enough to think so much about ( either ways we are thinking a whole lot of stuff in our minds all the time ) 
So when alone I end up watching TV , talking/chatting or playing games on phone, playing music , read, do some house chores ( nothing unusual per normal person's standards.. ) then there are those awkward short phases of time when there is nothing to do ..usually after one activity is finished and before you find another to do. Have you thought how you feel ? I know how I do....restless, very bored and more than that anxious to find something to fill my time quickly. Almost as if I am scared to face myself...this could be as short as 5 minutes.
We have so many emotions, situations at work, our relations and events of our day to day life buried in the back of our mind..they all come spiraling forth in this short few minutes when we face ourselves alone, so we distract ourselves, whenever we are in this situation...until we are nearly incapable to face our thoughts.

I am not a guru , I do not have answers to life's complications. And I have no breakthrough. And definitely have not reached the level of those with higher consciousness whose mind space has no thoughts just bliss.

As our minds continue to be a clutter,I chose to write about this for two reasons - One, For many others who are equally or more restless and are a wreck when alone and nothing to do. And have possibly never reflected about this.
Two, I feel its a good start to reflect on this and try not to be afraid with our often troubling minds, and face those few minutes of "nothing to do" with much calm.

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