Thursday, April 19, 2012

"Oh! Apple I-pad ...Please make it better"

A thought crossed my mind...If life is such an important come we end up not giving any time or thought to it ! You might say, "eh! what is she talking about ? everything I do is for my life, or my family's or some close friends...but most of all everything I do in this life is for life". You know, I want to agree.

Then I hear those nice often repeated jewels of wisdom like "Stop and smell the roses" ..."when was the last time you did something for the first time"..." Do something that makes YOU happy"... Aren't they so confusing and misleading ?

Well, the fact is if you stop to smell the roses (before that you might need to find them !) ...chances are your boss might not appreciate it and you don't really want to carry the thorns of bad appraisals. And if you are your own boss and unless roses are your business, you would not care... why would you ? how does it make life any better? know there are important things that make difference like career,job, business, money...ah,yes money.

"Money,oh Almighty moolah,greenback,riches !...You,the real tangible one that makes the world go around. Why are these armchair, very rich and comfortable philosophers and thinkers propagating such misleading thoughts in our minds and hampering our pursuit of you and ultimately a comfortable life"

Guess my prayer to Almighty Money has cleared my confusion and provided me an answer I was looking for..Life is important , hence we give it money and enhance it with riches...time and thought is not going to buy that dream house in that posh area of my dream city, or that dream car, all those gadgets , clothes , jewels, travels to expensive and exotic locales dream and life will only be fulfilled with money, and that's what makes me happy, this is what I want to do first time,last time and every time.

But then again these distracting thoughts creep up in my mind,"Give more thought to what you want to make of your life, your pursuits, your goals and your purpose in life".
Oh my tireless mind ! I want to make my life rich and comfortable and my current goal is to buy that new Apple Ipad 3 just launched in the market,and no-where the price is mentioned in thoughts...."thought that counts" is a phrase, ultimately we need to count that money to fulfill any thought !

Looks like I need more nice,luxurious materialistic riches around me to suppress any more disturbing thoughts about life's purpose blah blah...till then my struggle continues.

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